City Newsletter

Newsletters enable us the ability to share information, invite participation and establish a direct connection with the Gladstone community. Each year the City spends $40,000 to produce the monthly newsletter, which does not include composition and editing. There is value in providing information so the residents (and taxpayers) stay informed and remind them of many ways their local government works to improve the quality of life.

The Gladstone City Newsletter is published monthly and contains a variety of valuable information for residents on upcoming City events, projects, natural resources tips, Library events, Parks & Recreation activities, and important notices. The Newsletter is mailed to all City residents, as well as being posted electronically on the City’s website. An archive of newsletters is available below.

In order to continue providing newsletters that are cost-effective, the City is implementing guidelines for article submissions. Please note that priority will first be given to City related news, community interests will be considered as space allows.

City Newsletter Article Submission Guidelines

  • Be no more than 200 words, longer articles only accepted with previous arrangement.
  • Materials must be written and presented in the way the submitter wishes it to appear
  • Include a title for the article
  • Capitalize only the first letter of each word in the title.
  • By submitting material, submitter gives us the right to publish and edit them if necessary
  • Regardless of submission style, all articles will post in the same format. Please refrain from using any fancy formatting, styles, or desktop publishing to produce your article.
Images for Articles
  • One related picture is highly encouraged to be submitted along with your article.
  • Image should be attached to the same email as your submission and not imbedded in the article.  
  • Include a caption, the name of each person in the photo*, and, if known, the name of the photographer
  • You must either own or have permission (in writing, which you include with the submission) for the photo.
  • All photos must be clear, clean, professional, appropriate to the article and formatted as .png, .jpg, .jpeg or .gif
Article Submission
  • Include your name, first and last, in the body of your email. Your name will appear in the newsletter as the author of the article (unless specifically requested to remain anonymous.
  • Articles should be included as an attachment in either Word (.doc or .docx) or richtext (.rtf) format. Please do not send in .pdf or image format. 
  • Advertisements for events may include a small picture of the event flyer with the event information included in a word format.
  • Newsletter articles must be received by the 18th of the month to be included in the following month’s newsletter. Any article received after that date may not be included in the newsletter.
  • The City of Gladstone will approve all articles before any article can be placed in the newsletter. 
  • To submit, please email your article to Hayley Kratz at kratz [at]

*If photos include people, it is the contributor’s responsibility to obtain approval from the subject prior to submission. This is especially a concern with photos including children. If possible, take photos with children facing away from the camera. It is the contributor’s responsibility to provide identification of persons in photographs.