Budget Committee

The Budget Committee consists of the seven (7) members of the City Council and an equal number of citizens at large. Appointments are made by the City Council for three-year terms, which are staggered so that about one-third of appointed terms end each year (Chapter 294 of the Oregon Revised Statutes).

Usually in early spring, the Budget Committee receives a copy of the proposed budget and the budget message. When the Committee is satisfied with the proposed budget, including any additions to or deletions from the one prepared by the budget officer, it is approved. The budget is then referred to the City Council and Urban Renewal Agency for Public Hearings prior to adoption, appropriations and levying of taxes. In recent years, the Budget Committee has discharged its duties in one Tuesday evening meeting, although additional meetings may be called.

Budget Committee Member: Term Expires:
Vacant 12-31-24
Ron Ruggiero 12-31-24
Joshua Smith 12-31-25
Shane O'Brien 12-31-26
Vacant 12-31-27
Rose Fuller 12-31-27
Jake Meek 12-31-27